In this section you will find answers to many questions that may arise in connection with an accident report, your expert or your vehicle. If you have any further questions on any of the topics, do not hesitate to contact us – because that is exactly what we are here for!

How do I behave in the event of an accident?
When should I call the police after a car accident?
Who pays for a necessary rental car after an accident?
Who pays the wages after an accident?
Do I have to accept the expert of the opposing insurance company?
Should I see a doctor after an accident and if so, which one?
How much does insurance cover after a car accident?
Which insurance pays in the event of an accident?
What does the insurance pay in the event of an accident?
What to do in a car accident?
Who pays the lawyer after a traffic accident?
When does the insurance pay after an accident?
Who pays compensation for pain and suffering in a car accident?
After the accident – to the expert or to the workshop for the cost estimate?
Who’s to blame for the accident?
What does a motor vehicle appraiser do?
What does a motor vehicle appraiser do?
Car accident – who has to pay?
Who pays the motor vehicle appraiser in the event of an accident?
How much does an accident report cost for motor vehicles?
When is a valuer useful after a car accident?